How To Sell On Etsy


The Seller Dashboard

For sellers with an open shop, the dashboard is a quick way to see important shop info in one convenient place.
Sign in to from your desktop or mobile browser and go to your Shop Manager, and you’ll be on your dashboard.

Here you’ll see stats on your views, visits, orders, and revenue.

Basic Product Details

1. Catchy, descriptive, and concise title for your item.
2. Detailed information about the product, its features, materials used, dimensions, etc.
3. Select the appropriate category and sub-category for your item.
4. Relevant keywords that describe your product for better search visibility.
5. Set the price for your item.

Product Pricing & Quantity Available

Set the price for your product, taking into account the cost of materials, labor, and any other expenses. Consider the market competition as well.

Manage your inventory by indicating the quantity available.

Physical Items & Digital Items

Easily Create The Type Of Product You Wish To Sell. 

Include Product Catagory. Some Tags So Your Products Are Easily Found.

Shipping - Product Dimensions & Weight

Set shipping costs, processing times, and regions where the item can be shipped.


Product Listing Settings

Describe your return or exchange policy.

Include information about payment, shipping, and any other important policies.

 Details about any personalization or customization options available.

Set automatic renewal for the listing. 

Choose when the listing goes live or make it private as a draft. 

Adjust pricing for different variations if applicable.

How Long Does It Take To Get Paid

more Information on this topic comming soon!


Your New Etsy Store Could Look Like This!

Your shop home—the virtual storefront of your Etsy business—is often the first impression your brand makes on potential customers. Strong, cohesive visuals help tell the story of who you are and what’s unique about your products. A well-coordinated shop home captures visitors' attention, inspires buyer confidence, and has the potential to build long-term loyalty.
After establishing the colors, fonts, and photo styles that align with your brand identity, the next step is to incorporate each element of that design palette into your shop’s visual story. Remember, consistency doesn’t require everything in your shop to match. Think about how your banner, shop icon, and product photography can complement one another as pieces of the bigger picture you want to illustrate. Here’s how to make your shop home pop using your established design palette and Etsy’s customization tools.